Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Blergy blergy blerg. I'm running low on creativity. Apparently trading and the world of high finance [if you try to tell me it's just Lego, you're wrong :P] drains your creativity just as much as school does. Well, at least I learnt something hilarious about fascists today. Apparently, in the 30's there was the Canadian Fascist Party, right? And guess what their platform was. Yep, they wanted to deport all the Jews to Madagascar so that there could be a nice little colony there, and no Jews in Canada. And I thought Hitler not recognizing Indy in the Last Crusade was funny. This is like the greatest B-movie idea ever. Island of the's on a par with Lesbians from Planet Nine and Terror of the Ninja. Good stuff.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Captains - Are they Superheroes?

So I was rewatching the last third or so of Pirates 3 earlier today, and that includes the part where the cool pirate from the first movie marries Legolas and Keira Knightley together. And that got me thinking. Captains of ships can marry people together. They can put the most powerful restraint on someone - marriage. No wonder the government regulates captainry. It's like in X-Men or the Incredibles. The government is putting these limitations on people with special gifts. Captains are the true superheroes of the world. So the government makes sure that captains have great responsibility to go with their great power. Imagine, if you will, for a moment, the chaos that would ensue if a captain were to become evil. He could force people, innocent people, police, world leaders into marriage. Nothing stops a police raid more than the constable and one of the SWAT snipers being forced to consummate their marriage. What if a rogue captain married Kim Jong Il and George W Bush! The world political stage would be thrown into chaos! Who would do the laundry? Would they have kids? It would be terrifying if the power of raw marriage fell into the wrong hands. Whole nations could be brought to their knees with a few words from a captain.

Leaders of the world, I beg you - kill every captain before one goes evil and marries us all!